
The Shred

Welp.  I did it.  

I joined the Jillian Michael's bandwagon.  It wasn't a premeditated purchase, it just sort of happened.  Similar to many of the purchases I make at Target.
I lurveeee Targe
Like, oh wow, how did those cute wedges just happen to fall into my cart?  Why in the world am I trying on this amazingly cute dress?  Did I just buy another (insert random item here)?

Word in the blogosphere is that Jillian Michael's  workouts are awesome and kick your butt.  So I'm actually quite excited about this purchase!

I took my measurements, took some pictures and I'm putting the 30 Day Shred to the test.  Starting tomorrow I will begin the program.  Each day I'll post about my workout and also post my eats for the day.  I think this will help keep me accountable and on track!

Wish me luck, I don't think I know what I'm in for!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck, I'm such a fan of Jillian I watch obsessive amounts of biggest loser
