
Happy Hump Day

Hello, and welcome to another edition of WIAW!

Today was a pretty awesome day if I do say so myself.  I woke up early to get in Day 3 of Marathon Training.  I ate at around 6:20 to give my body about an hour to absorb the CARBS!

 The plan called for quarter mile repeats, and I was a little scared.  For those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, it's basically a .25 miles or 400 m, or 1 lap around a track, ran at a quick pace with rest in between.  

The plan called for 6 x 400 m at 2:15 to 2:25 pace.  I just mapped out .25 miles on DailyMile instead of going to a track.  After each .25 mile I walked for 2 minutes and did that 6 times.  It wasn't as bad as I thought.  We'll see how I feel during Week 8 when I'm doing 16 of them!

 Post run smoothie was a delicious blend of:
handful spinach
1 frozen banana
handful fresh strawberries
1 cup unsweetened soy milk
1/2 packet chocolate Amazing Meal

Around 11 I headed to the lake to get in some sun time.  Unfortunately I wasn't there long when the sun decided to hide behind some clouds. I still enjoyed reading Can You Keep a Secret by Sophie Kinsella (LOVE all her books!) in the sand.  I came home and had this monster salad.

 Followed by left over corn, peach pie (recipe to come), and some chopped veggies.  All over the span of the entire afternoon.

Dinner was yummy, but sounds so cliche.  Brown rice and steamed broccoli sounds lame-o.  But in actuality it was a brown rice pilaf with lots of yummy veggies and spices.

And that's all she wrote!  I'll be back with the peach pie recipe I used.  It's a winner!!

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