

It's WIAW Time

 Whoa, I haven't been to a WIAW party in a couple weeks!

I've been feeling really fatigued lately and have been plagued with headaches.  Seriously annoying and definitely showing in my weekly mileage!  Next week I start my MARATHON TRAINING plan :)  Since I'm not officially signed up yet (need a real job yo!) I haven't mentioned it, but I will tell you all about it in an upcoming post!!!!!!!!!!!!! <~~~ can you tell I'm SO excited?

I started my morning off with some K-Cup Coffee Shop coffee, NuNatural Stevia (new fave) and some vanilla almond milk.


As I dilly dallied around instead of just going for a run, I realized I would need some type of fuel and that it was getting hotter and hotter out, wah!


Enter pre-run nanner.  Like my neon orange shirt from Target?!  I'm in love, and not only because it's super cute.  It doesn't have that annoying built in bra, which usually I don't mind but for me it serves no purpose.  Instead, on long runs it chafes and I have a faint scar from a 12-miler to prove it!  And can we get real for a minute?   It's not like I actually need the extra support, the girls are pretty self sufficient.   

Anywho, the first mile was r o u g h !  I couldn't find my ipod charger so I couldn't download new podcasts and was forced to listen to music.  Does anyone else just get in the mood to listen to something specific on their run and if you can't, it kinda just throws you off? Then one of my ear buds blew out so I had music in one ear.  There was a house fire (terrible and I hope everyone is okay!) but my route was thrown for a loop, literally.  My back and shoulders were achy!  And of course I had a faint headache.

Enough complaining for one post!  After a while I found my groove, a slow groove, but I found it none the less!  And I did 6.85 miles.  At about 2 miles I thought I should turn around because I wasn't feeling my best.  But guess what?!  We won't always feel our best on race day.  So I pushed through and I think this run helped me realize that I can be strong mentally!  Very important for running, which is a big part mental strength!

When I got back it was a little past 11 so I ate a simple b-fast.

other 1/2 of morning coffee
1/2 c. oatmeal

1 heaping TBSP Chunky PB
1 TBSP raw cacao brazil nut bliss from my English goodies

Shane and I headed to the lake to get some sun and swim.  There's a diving board in the middle of the lake and I feel like a little kid every time I jump off!  So much fun!  When we got back I was starved and made myself a simple, quick, and satisfying lunch.


2 slices whole wheat toast
creamy roasted red pepper spread

sliced Jersey tomato
1/2 can chick peas + nooch
carrot sticks
strawberries + grapes


Time out.  Let me tell you about the Whole Foods Creamy Roasted Red Pepper Dressing, which I've been using as a spread on my sandwiches.

tofu, red peppers, soy milk, onion, cilantro, green onion, parsley, dill, garlic, dijon mustard, black pepper.  I love how although I don't really eat dairy anymore, I can still enjoy creamy dressings!  This has led to a bit of a ...

Before our softball game I wanted a light snack to keep my energy levels up.  At first I reached for these....but they have a sneaky ingredient hidden in them.


Why in the world is there gelatin in these peanuts?  Do ground up hooves really add to their flavor?  Now that I'm more conscious about reading labels, I find it disturbing how many animal products are used in most main stream brands.  You'd think dry roasted peanuts would have simple ingredients...not so much.

Instead I ate an apple, which was delicious and has one ingredient!

  Right after softball Shane and I headed into Philly for a much needed hair cut, so I packed dinner.  Please don't make fun of me.  I was in a rush and didn't have anything fresh or pre-made.  So I made a...let's call it a bean salad ::wink, wink::

1/2 can canellini beans
frozen peas

nooch + black pepper
surprisingly yummy and satisfying
And of course I made some mini cookies and cream cupcakes which I took to the game and to Philly, so Shane and I each had one in the car.  Yum!  

I finished my night with a hair cut.  I think this is the shortest my hair has ever been!

Have a great Thursday :)


Picniking is Fun

Hi chick-a-dee's!!  I have been super duper busy, hence the lack of posting.  There are exciting things happening in my life, and I'm soooooo close to finally beginning my career!!!  I won't say anything else yet because I don't want to jinx it...

I can talk about how excited I was to bust out the KitchenAid Mixer and finally bake some cupcakes!

I made vegan vanilla softball cupcakes with a vanilla "buttercream" and my new favorite vegan Cookies 'n' Cream cupcakes!  They are boyfriend, softball team, and family approved; no one could tell they were "vegan". 

*Note: For Cookies 'n' Cream I followed the chocolate cupcake recipe, however I used the Vanilla recipe measurements for baking soda, baking powder, and corn starch.*

The best part of baking vegan cupcakes? You can lick the mixer and not worry about salmonella!

 I made an unexpected trip up to my Mom's house in north jersey and got to spend some quality time with my sis and one of my brothers (we missed you Nick!).  We had dinner at Wild Greens in Westfield and it was super cute!

They have soup and sandwiches, but Alli and I opted for the create your own salad.  The options are AWESOME and they go beyond your typical cucumbers and cherry tomatoes.  I'm talking jicama, beets, asparagus, smoked tofu, and a variety of greens!  And the dressings, oh the dressings.  I got the spicy thai and Alli got a delicious basil-y dressing, mm mm good!

All the chairs are made from recycled material, and they were all about finding sustainable ways to run their business.  

Westfield is a lovely little town to stroll around.  And Matthew enjoyed taking pictures.

Let's see, Matt and I spent a really long time playing catch.  That boy has got an arm!!  We attempted to cool off with some Italian Ice.  It didn't really work, but it sure was delicious! I also tried a Tofutti "Ice Cream" sandwich for the first time.  AMAZING! After giving up ice cream, I was really sad because ice cream sandwiches are my fave.  Sad no more!

 Can you tell I just found Picnik and am having way too much fun? I'm newly obsessed.

I swear I've been up to more, but I don't feel like making more collages!  I'll be on a more regular schedule this week, I promise!


I'm a Person Who *attempts to* Make Stuff

Oh yes I try to be am.

**Stephanie is having a PWMS link party!  Check it out!

I wish I had more time and more money to put into making stuff!  There's just so much stuff I want to make.  

Beyond the dishes...

 and messes... 

that I already make!

 I would love to own a sewing machine.  Because really, who hasn't walked through Target or purused the internet for a sweet little sundress and thought... I could totally make that!  If only I knew how to sew...and had a sewing machine.

But that's neither here nor there.  I want to focus on what I can create and share one creation I'm pretty proud of.

This project came about because I had a big living room wall.  And no art work to fill it.

Ta Da!

It's a messy job, but someone's got to do it!

Awww, our little apartment in San Diego.  

Right now my paintings don't have a home, but I will find a place to hang them in New Jersey soon enough!

What have you made that you're proud of?


Ello Govna!

I'm feeling so British right now.
I've never been to England.  I've actually never been to any country across the Atlantic.  However I did receive a package from England the other day.

Royal mail.  Yes, royal

Jemma over at Celery and Cupcakes set up an amazing
Foodie Blog Swap!

I was paired up with the super fun and gorgeous Freya from Brit Chick Runs.  
She sent me a bunch of amazingly delicious English goodies.  Let's take a looksie, shall we?

Cacao Brazil Nut Bliss.  They got the bliss part down, am I right?!  I have yet to try it, but it looks heavenly and I am so looking forward to it!

Look at all these bars!
I already had the nakd Cocoa Mint and boy was it yummm!
 I tried to zoom in, but it wouldn't let me focus.  So let me share what the Trek Cocoa Brownie bar says on the back:

"Cheerfully Made in Wales"
"Best before: (a friend nicks it!) See side of pack"
How cute!

And I got a really sweet letter.  Freya thought she'd send a healthy cupcake, but then thought it might not travel well  ::wink, wink::

Thank you so much Freya!!  I love all the goodies you sent!!  And I had a blast shopping for you!

I got almost everything at Whole Paycheck, but made a stop at my favorite, Target, as well.
  I was so nervous and was overly detail oriented while filling out the customs form.  My worst fear was for customs to open up the package and ruin my goodies/return them!  But after a ridiculously long time at the Post Office it was officially sent out!  Thumbs up for that!

The Foodie Blog Swap was a great success and I hope to participate in another one sometime in the future!  Thanks Jemma and Freya!!!


Say What?!

A long time ago, when I didn't know what a "healthy living blog" was, when I thought eating a Lean Cuisine was the best choice for my body, when I believed vegetarians and vegans were a little...weird, way back when I couldn't pronounce quinoa (KEEN-wah), if you asked me to try **insert random foodie superfood here** I would have tilted my head, raised my eyebrows and said, "Say what?!"

Seriously, the thought of tofu, chia seeds, green smoothies, kale and other somewhat intimidating vegetables used to puzzle and kind of scare me. 1) WHAT is that? 2) WHY would I want to eat that? 3) WHO has the time to prepare that? 4) SAY WHAT?!

When I first started to blog I had been vegetarian for about a year, but I still had (and have) a lot to learn!  Reading blogs and starting my own blog helped introduce many new and exciting nutrient packed, delicious foods into my diet that had once made me wee bit squeamish. 

I've learned that there are healthy meal options beyond  steamed broccoli with a side of brown rice.  Once I got over my fear of new foods and began researching through blogs, cookbooks, and trial and error, my food repertoire expanded so much!  And my taste buds are happier than ever.

I originally set out to do a weekly post, spotlighting a new vegetable each week.  But life got in the way and I never made it a priority.  But the idea has re-emerged and instead of just veggies, as I use my fave ingredients I'll post about them in my Say What?! Series.   I think it will be fun to share my experiences using these new ingredients and showcase favorites that bring me to foodie bliss.  And since blogging is a conversation I am so so sooo excited to learn about all of YOUR ideas, recipes, tips, and experiences using different ingredients. 

Now I need to ask, what foods do you want to see featured?