

Operation Marathon Nutrition

So with marathon training underway, I thought I'd track what I ate throughout the day, to see how I'm doing nutritionally.  I find it tedious to track my meals all the time, but once in a while I'll plug my eats into's MyPlate. 

Breakfast: 1/4 c. rolled oats
2 tsp. TJ's organic hemp protein powder
2 tsp ground flax seeds
2 tsp chia seeds
(ran out of bananas and forgot other toppings and it was quite boring!)  
Lunch: 1/2 cup red quinoa & chick peas + nooch
1 1/4 c. steamed broccoli
1/4 c. walnuts + 1/8 c. raisins
1/2 red bell pepper sliced
Afternoon snack: 1 small green apple
2 TBSP peanut butter

 This picture is from lunch the other day.  My big ole batch of slow cooker soup lasted me until tonight!

Dinner: 3/4 c. carrot/lentil/cracked wheat soup
1 slice baked tofu

Not too shabby.  I'm not taking this as 100% accurate, but I like having a general idea.  As a vegetarian/vegan you always get asked, where do you get your protein?  And although I know I get enough from plant based's nice for that to be reaffirmed!  

Tomorrow when I go to the gym I'll have more calories, today was a bit lighter than usual.  


Did I really just do that?

Yes, I really did just sign up for the NJ Marathon in Long Branch on May 6th. 

May 6th people!!!

I signed up before I made a training plan.  I signed up before I had a chance to go into Google Calendars and count the weeks backwards...and find out today is the start of week 15.  Oh my goodness, 15 weeks to train for this marathon!  I signed up before I could remember the pain I was in on November 20th.  I signed up before I thought it through.

But you know what?

I'm really freakin' excited.

Since running before and after school isn't an option for me (hello winter darkness), I've been stuck on the treadmill/taking some pretty super classes at the gym which I'll tell you about later.  And to be honest, I've been sort of wimpy on the weekends; coming up with lame-o excuses like "It's too cold", "I'd rather go to the gym", "Actually I'd rather go eat vegan pancakes at The Pop Shop and cuddle on the couch in front of the fire all day". 

Today I channeled my inner toughness and went out for a run in the snow.  Wearing this shirt as one of my layers may have helped, thanks Mom!

Ready to rock it!  LOVE that putting a marathon on the calendar makes me remember how much I adore running :) Pop Shop who?  Scratch that, Pop Shop after a run!

After living in San Diego, I was sort of dreading snow.  It wasn't too bad, and the crunching under my feet made me feel...happy

After a few miles my legs, lungs, and body were feeling great...minus my fingers.  I was wearing those 2 pairs for a dollar cute gloves that look pretty but serve no purpose and I was literally worried that my fingers were getting frost bite.  The hurt so bad when I got home and took at least 5 minutes to finally feel normal.  

Besides that my FIRST TRAINING RUN (wow so excited to say that again!) went great!
In another post I'll fill you in on my new gym, the classes I've been taking, the personal trainer/running coach who's going to help me become a better runner, the amazing running app I used today, and much more. 

PS: Yesterday I ordered a Road ID tag and they sent me a coupon to pass along to friends.  Use the coupon code to receive $1 off any Road ID order.  In these times, every dollar counts, right?  This code can be used up to 20x within the next 30 days (until 2/22/12), so if you've been thinking about investing one, here's your chance.  Enjoy friends :)

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